Project Description
Every country of the European Union has its own particularities about how a postal package is tracked while passing various check points. In the case of international shipment, the tracking data from the national and international services have to be aggregated and presented online to the sender quickly and in an understandable format.
For Germany’s largest postal service provider, a solution for tracking and tracing postal packages has been architected, elaborated, developed and validated. The developed solution represents a load-balanced web-farm in which the web application has been hosted so that quick system response is achieved.
The software system tracks postal packages as they pass control stations in Germany and other countries of the European Union. The tracking information is exchanged via web-services and EDI transport mechanisms depending on the postal service mechanism available in a particular country. The requirements on data exchange and communication specifics were gathered and agreed upon with representatives of the international postal services.
Extensive reporting mechanisms for presenting tracking and tracing information were designed and developed. These included standard as well customizable reports with a report designer which can be used by the system administrator or an advanced system user.